Christmas Around the World

Christmas Around The World Christmas around the world is celebrated in different ways by different countries. Customs differ around the world for observing Christmas, but they all center on celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Thus, all around the world, people have taken the celebration of the birth of Jesus and made a Christmas that fits with the culture of their own country.

Christmas is a happy, festive time filled with great spiritual significance. Caroling, feasting, and gift giving along with the prayers and wishes - the Christmas is celebrated with high spirits all over the world. Though the mode of celebration, the dates and the traditions vary, the main spirit remains the same everywhere. It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christmas. Here, one can have a glimpse over the different ways Christmas is celebrated in different countries.

Christmas in America
In America, their is a huge variety of cultures and nationalities, and an 'ideal' Christmas tradition which seems to be accepted by many is a family time with a great deal of travel happening over the holidays.

Christmas in Europe
In Europe, Christmas is all in all a family affair. On this day, all family members spend time in baking cookies, making fudge and preparing a big Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings.

Christmas in Russia
In Russia, the nature of the Christmas celebration has undergone many changes. The grand celebration was observed for many centuries, but after the communist revolution, the celebration of the feast was suppressed, only to return after the fall of Communism.

Christmas in Africa
In Africa Christmas is a summer holiday. There is no snow, but it has many flowers, many beautiful varieties of cultivated and wild flowers. Singing Carols is the most important activity by people celebrating Christmas.

Christmas in East Asia
In East Asia, Christmas is not that a grand occasion like Europe and America, but this festive season is celebrated in their own unique way that is highly influenced by local cultures.

Christmas in South America
In South America, Christmas is celebrated in a deeply religious way. The different countries of South America observe this day in their distinct manner.

Christmas in Australia
Australians also sing carols by candlelight and decorate their homes with flowers and other plants. Generally, Christmas is celebrated along traditional lines and families often travel great distances to be together.

Christmas in India
In India, apart from the traditional aspects of Christmas, their is also influence of local tradition with the elephants, umbrellas and traditional music as accessories to their festivities and celebrations.

Christmas Celebration in Other Countries