Teej Attractions
Teej is a festival of womenfolk and so it is bound to attractive, colorful and vibrant! Both married and unmarried women perform so many activities and joyful rituals at the time of Teej making the festival so very colorful.

Teej is the time to adorn oneself like a newly wed bride. Hence for women shopping for clothes, jewelry and accessories is one of the major attractions for Teej. Mehndi is another attraction for women who keep fast for their husband and to-be-husband. Women vie with each other for the loveliest of henna pattern and darker hues of henna as it is said, 'the darker the henna the more the women is loved by her husband and mother-in-law'.
For the onlookers, major attraction for Teej includes Teej Fair, colorful dances, folk songs, and Teej Puja process. In recent years, Teej Festival has started attracting of a large number of foreigner tourists. State governments, especially that of Rajasthan project Teej as the high point of state during the month of August. Given below is a list of some of the major Teej attractions. Please click on the individual links to know more about the festival.