Explore a list of some unique festivals, observed specially to remember a renowned person, an incident or some famous happening in the world. These remembrance or emotional festivals have their own importance in the society and are celebrated as a token of expression towards some legendary event of global stature.Explore the top attractions of these emotional celebrations where thousands of people unite to mark an important day of history.
Month: August
Place: Pesaro, Italy
Attractions: Musical Compositions of Rossini, Opera Events.
Month: July/August
Place: Italy
Attractions: Open Air Theatre.
Month: September
Place: New York, U.S.A
Attractions: Started in response to attacks on the World Trade Center (U.S.A), Documentaries, Narrative Features and Shorts, Family-friendly Films, Panel Discussions, Artists Awards Program
Month: April to November
Place: Stratford (Ontario), Canada
Attractions: William Shakespeare's Plays, Greek Tragedy, Contemporary Works, Musical Play
Month: January
Place: Scotland, U.K
Attractions: Remembering poet Robert Burns, Haggis (traditional dish), Formal Dinners
Month: November
Place: Ontario, Canada
Attractions: Display of the works of Shaw and his contemporaries.
Month: July-August
Place: Germany
Attractions: Opera performances of Richard Wagner compositions
Month: July
Place: France
Attractions: Parades featuring troops from France and allied countries, Interview of President.
Month: February/March
Place: All over the world
Attractions:Listeningng & reading of the Book of Esther, Charity, Sending Food Parcels